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Hi and welcome back.

I love shooting with a one light solution.  First, there is only a small amount of gear to travel with and you can get great results by learning how to see and use the light around you to light effectively.  You don’t need more that one or two lights to really get amazing results.  But you should master one light before heading to two, three, four, or more.

Last Sunday I shot Despina.  She came from Danbury, so we met on location in Derby, which is about half way in between Danbury and Milford.  So I need a location lighting kit that would be consistent, lightweight, and give me great light.

I chose to shoot with the new Interfit S1.  I did a review of this light a while back.  If you are interested, here is a link:

Interfit Blog Post

I shoot with a single battery powered strobe and a reflector.  Here I used my California Sunbounce Micro Mini with the grip head to attach the reflector to a lightstand.  The CS system is pricey, but worth it!  I’ve owned mine for about 9 years and love it.

I shoot most of my headshots with a 2×3 softbox too.

Here is my current location strobe light gear list:

Interfit S1

Bowens Lumiair 2×3 softbox

Matthews C-Stand

Pocket Wizards Radio Triggers

California Sunbounce Micro Mini with grip head

Manfrotto 1052 BAC lightstand for the reflector

Here is a BTS shot.  We worked at an abandoned factory in Derby, CT.  I chose to use the shade on this bright sunny day and the red and green background to contrast her blue denim jumper and that awesome mane of red-brown hair.


I also love and use a great deal the over/under or clamshell style of light for these shots.  It is simple to setup and execute for beautiful, well-lit images.  You can see the Interfit S1 battery powered strobe on the C-Stand.  I shot 212 frames at a low power level and the battery and light performed flawlessly.  I got excellent recycle time and didn’t miss a shot.

You can also see the reflector under the light.  I prefer the silver side of the unit, but adjust between silver or white depending on the amount of fill I want.  Here I used silver.

Here is a proof image straight-out-of-the-camera:


Lighting this was is simple, quick, effective, and allows you to get great shots ever time.

That’s it for now.  Till next time, happy location lighting!